I’m not registered with a dentist and would like to see one.
Please contact the Dental Enquiry Line on 0300 7900 710 for an up to date list of Dentists currently registering NHS patients.
I have toothache what should I do?
Weekdays 8.00am – 6.00pm, phone the Dental Enquiry Line on 0300 7900 710. If you can’t get through, leave a message and someone will get back to you.
After 6pm and at weekends, phone 111.
Can I have my teeth whitened?
No - tooth whitening is a private treatment and cannot be carried out on the NHS.
Can I have white fillings?
Normally white fillings are used in the front teeth. However white filings in the back teeth count as private treatment and your NHS Dentist will not be able to provide these.
I’m unhappy with the way that I’ve been treated.
If you feel unhappy with your treatment, the first thing to do is to talk to your Dentist about it. If you feel unable to talk to your Dentist about your problem, please contact the Dental Practice Manager. If you are not satisfied with their response or you do not wish to deal with the practice directly, you may contact NHS Borders Feedback and Complaints department.
I’m really scared of the Dentist, what should I do?
Don’t let dental anxiety put you off treatment. Tell your Dentist that you are nervous and they will try to help you to cope with the treatment. Many very anxious people are able build up to treatment slowly. If you are unable to accept treatment normally, your Dentist may refer you for sedation.